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7238 North 16th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ, 85021
United States


Our Story


Our Story

At the heart of Vintage Statements is a creative couple who loves to spark inspiration within their clients’ homes. Brant and Marie Miller thrive on the excited conversations their pieces elicit from houseguests. Albeit selfish and a tad bit dreamy, they envision that once those guests learn where the piece was created, they can’t wait to learn more about it. 

The Millers began their journey in 2012, collaborating on about three projects a month with the goal of making some extra date night cash. Marie weaves a dream from an idea and Brant brings that dream to life. As word spread and the phone calls and emails rolled in, they established Vintage Statements in 2014, a year shy of tying the knot. Now they produce about two projects a week.

To an ever-growing list of new projects, they add everything from kitchen tables to desks to coffee tables. Not all of the projects at Vintage Statements are brick and mortar. As their business grows,

a large portion of their workload revolves around refurbishing classic pieces. Learn more about Vintage Statements and watch their start-to-finish tutorials on YouTube.